June 7th: Test All Civil War Sections
Due May 31st. Complete the guided notes from the video below. Be sure to comment with something you learned for full credit.
Old Homework:
Quiz Thursday May 25 & Friday the 26th: Review questions from the end of the Manifest Destiny video below:
Due: Wednesday May 24: Complete the guided notes from the video below. Be sure to comment with something that you learned to receive full credit.
Quiz Thursday May 18 & Friday May 19th: Jackson's Presidency- memorize the review questions from the end the Jackson Presidency video below.
Due Wednesday May 17: Complete the guided notes from the video below. Be sure to comment with something that you learned
Due Weds. April 26: Complete the guided notes from the video (both below) - be sure to comment with something that you learned for full credit.
Quiz Thursday April 27 & Friday 28: The review questions from Age of Jackson Part I: Era of Good Feelings to Sectionalism
Quiz Thursday April 20 & Friday April 21: the quiz will be the review questions at the end of the following two videos. There are 32 questions so don't put it off until the end.
Due Wednesday April 5th: Complete the guided notes from the video below. Be sure to comment with something that you learned
Due Thursday March 30 & Friday March 31: Complete the guided notes from the video below. Be sure to comment the night before for full credit, except for period 6 if you have computers the morning of.
Due Wednesday March 15: Download the attached guided notes below and complete while watching the video. BE SURE TO COMMENT with something that you learned FOR FULL CREDIT!
Quiz Thursday March 16 & Friday March 17: Vocabulary / Key Content - I will put project the following terms and you must write the definitions:
Alien - a person living in a country who is not a citizen of that country
Sedition - speaking out against the government to cause rebellion
republic - a representative form of government
Strict constructionist - someone who believes the government should only do what the constitution says
Central government - the national government
Federalists - believe in a strong national government
Democratic Republicans - believe state governments should do most of the governing
Alien - a person living in a country who is not a citizen of that country
Sedition - speaking out against the government to cause rebellion
republic - a representative form of government
Strict constructionist - someone who believes the government should only do what the constitution says
Central government - the national government
Federalists - believe in a strong national government
Democratic Republicans - believe state governments should do most of the governing
Due Thursday March 9 & Friday March 10: Quiz on Federalists Era Part I & 2 - study the questions at the end of the videos Part I & II - scroll down to the "old homework" section to access the videos with the review questions.
Due Wednesday October 8: Complete the guided notes from the video below - BE SURE TO COMMENT with something you learned for FULL CREDIT!
Due Thursday Thursday March 2 & Friday March 3: Read an article on a current event and write 3 paragraphs about it. Be sure to include your opinion about why you think it is an important event as well as the name of the article, publication and date of the article. You can use: UpFront Magazine (create an account and login - Login to Mr. Raymond's Class Password: kbcs1776) http://upfront.scholastic.com/
Due Wednesday March 1: Complete the guided notes from the video both below - be sure to comment on the video for full credit
Quiz Thursday February 23 & Friday February 24th - memorize the following definitions (you can study by watching my videos on the Constitutional Convention and Ratifying the Constitution: Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists):
Constitutional Convention - gathering to fix the Articles of Confederation which ended up writing a new constitution
Great Compromise - reason we have the Senate with equal representation & House of Reps with proportional representation
James Madison - "Father of the Constitution" and author of the Bill of Rights
What the Constitutional Convention Gave Us? - 3 branches of government and a more powerful national government
Federalists - those who favored a more powerful national government
Anti Federalists - insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution in fear of a strong national government
Bill of Rights - a list of freedoms and protections from that national government
Constitutional Convention - gathering to fix the Articles of Confederation which ended up writing a new constitution
Great Compromise - reason we have the Senate with equal representation & House of Reps with proportional representation
James Madison - "Father of the Constitution" and author of the Bill of Rights
What the Constitutional Convention Gave Us? - 3 branches of government and a more powerful national government
Federalists - those who favored a more powerful national government
Anti Federalists - insisted a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution in fear of a strong national government
Bill of Rights - a list of freedoms and protections from that national government
Due Wednesday February 22nd: Complete the guided notes from the video (both below) - BE SURE TO COMMENT ON SOMETHING YOU LEARNED
Thursday & Friday Feb 16 & 17: Quiz on parts IV & V of the American Revolution - study the review questions at the end of the videos.
Due: Thursday February 9th & Friday February 10th - Write a minimum 3-page essay (typed 12 pt. font, normal margins) on the Revolutionary War. This essay can be written straight from your notes and the textbook which you can access through the student portal. Worth 2 Grades
Due Wednesday Feb. 15: Complete the guided notes on the Constitutional Convention video we started in class. If you were absent you can download it below. Write a good note!! Be original and go a little more in depth then just one basic fact!
Due Wednesday February 7th: Guided Notes: Complete the guided notes from the video below
Quiz Friday February 3rd & Monday February 6 (Note Thursday's quiz moved to Monday because of Take Your Child to Work Day: study the review questions at the end of Part IV of the YouTube video
Due Wednesday: February 1 - Complete the guided notes and video below. - Be sure to comment with something you learned!
Thursday & Friday : Review quiz American Revolution Part II & III- we did the guided notes on this in class. Memorize the review questions at the end of the video which I've posted below.
Due Thursday January 19 & Friday January 20: Create an 8 slide PowerPoint or video on your assigned Revolutionary events or figure. Use the attached document with links from the sites I would like you to use to write your information. Each slide must contain a picture and at least three sentences describing the key events (make sure they are in your own words.) Rubric: 50% presentation 50% information. Worth 3 grades. YOU MUST either bring your PowerPoint or Video on a flash drive or email it to: [email protected]

group_project.docx | |
File Size: | 14 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Quiz Thursday January 12 & Friday January 13: Review questions at the end of the Declaration of Independence video below
Due January 11th: Complete the guided notes watching the video below -
Due Wednesday December 21: Watch the video and complete the guided notes below:
Thursday December 15 & Friday December 16: Quiz - you're quiz questions will be taken right from the review at the end of the video American Revoulutionary War- Part I
Due Thursday December 8 & Friday December 9th: Read an article on a current event and write 3 paragraphs about it. Be sure to include your opinion about why you think it is an important event as well as the name of the article, publication and date of the article. You can use: UpFront Magazine (create an account and login - Login to Mr. Raymond's Class Password: kbcs1776) http://upfront.scholastic.com/
Monday December 5 & Tuesday December 6: watch the video while filling out the guided notes below:
Due Wednesday November 30: Timeline worth 2 grades - Create a Timeline with the following events. Each event must have a picture, date and one sentence summary of the event in your own words.
- Treaty of Paris (Impact on the colonies)
- Proclamation of 1763
- Stamp Act
- No Taxation without Representation
- Stamp Act Reaction in the Colonies (what did the colonists do)
- The Quartering Acts
- Townshend Revenue Acts
- Boston Massacre
- Boston Tea Party
- Intolerable Acts
- Continental Congress's
- Declaration of Independence
Monday November 21 & Tuesday November 22 - Quiz Road to the American Revolution Vocabulary: - I will give you the definition you supply the word or phrases
Proclamation of 1763 - forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains
Stamp Act - A tax on paper goods
Boycott - refusing to buy goods or services from someone
Smuggling - to move goods illegally into or out of a country
No Taxation Without Representation - to be ruled by a government in which you have no say
Repeal - to remove or revoke a law or act of a legislature
Quartering Acts - this law required the colonists to house British soldiers
Townshend Revenue Acts - a tax placed on finished goods including: glass, lead, paint, and glass
Boston Massacre - when British soldiers shot on an unarmed crowd
Proclamation of 1763 - forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains
Stamp Act - A tax on paper goods
Boycott - refusing to buy goods or services from someone
Smuggling - to move goods illegally into or out of a country
No Taxation Without Representation - to be ruled by a government in which you have no say
Repeal - to remove or revoke a law or act of a legislature
Quartering Acts - this law required the colonists to house British soldiers
Townshend Revenue Acts - a tax placed on finished goods including: glass, lead, paint, and glass
Boston Massacre - when British soldiers shot on an unarmed crowd
Thursday November 17 & Friday November 18: complete the attached guided notes while watching the video below. Be sure to comment with your name and something you learned.
Quiz Wednesday November 9 Period 1 & Thursday November 10 Period 6 - the French and Indian War. Study the review questions at the end of my video and your notes
Due Thursday November 3 & November 4: Guided notes - watch this video on the French & Indian War and complete the guided notes from the file and video listed below:
Due Wednesday November 2: Read an article on the Syrian Civil War (Aleppo), Battling ISIS in Iraq (Mosul), or any article from UpFront Magazine (create an account and login - Login to Mr. Raymond's Class Password: kbcs1776) http://upfront.scholastic.com/issues/10_31_16/
You Must:
Write 3 paragraphs about the article
List the Name of the Article, the Publication Name (magazine, newspaper, website), and the date of the issue - worth 2 grades
You Must:
Write 3 paragraphs about the article
List the Name of the Article, the Publication Name (magazine, newspaper, website), and the date of the issue - worth 2 grades
Wednesday October 26th: Watch the video and complete the guided notes below:
Monday October 24 & Tuesday October 25: Finish your President brochures!
New Test Date: Wednesday October 19th: Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Providence, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Colonial Regions - New England, Middle Colonies & Southern Colonies. All of the material can be found in your notes or on my videos.
Thursday October 6 & Friday October 7: Write a minimum one page essay on the settling of North America. You can smply use your notes.
Wednesday October 5: Watch the video below and fill out the attached guided notes. Write your name when you are finished.
Thursday September 29 & Friday September 30: Project worth 3 grades - Working with a partner or by yourself create a fake Twitter Account, PowerPoint, Video or Poster for one of the following important historical figures:
- Vespucci
- Queen Isabella & King Ferdinand
- Henry Hudson
- Captain John Smith
- Pocahontas
- John Rolfe
- Squanto
- Roger Williams

twitter_or_powerpoint_project.docx | |
File Size: | 13 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Due Thursday September 22 and Friday September 23: Download the "guided notes" file and fill out the answers while watching the video below. Write your name in the comments section of the video on YouTube.
Thursday 9/15 & Friday 9/16: Quiz Explorers use the study guide below:

study_guide_explorers.docx | |
File Size: | 13 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Monday September 12 & Tuesday September 13: Watch the video below while completing the guided notes (download the document below.) Write your name in the "notes" below the video to let me know you watched it.
Thursday September 1st & Friday September 2nd: Quiz - identify 35 of the 50 states on a blank map of the United States. Feel free to use this Quizlet to study
Wednesday August 31: complete the attached "guided notes" while watching the video below. Click on YouTube and write your name in the comments so I know that you watched it.
Welcome to U.S. History: Please review the class Syllabus for the 2016 / 17 year:

syllabus_us_history.docx | |
File Size: | 14 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Due August 24th: create an email account (I recommend Gmail as this will give you a Google Account which we might be using.)
For homework write down your email address and password somewhere where you will remember it (text it to yourself or write it in your agenda) as you will need it to create accounts we will be using this year. Next send me an email to Mr. Raymond's Email stating that you have read the syllabus and shared it with your parents.
For homework write down your email address and password somewhere where you will remember it (text it to yourself or write it in your agenda) as you will need it to create accounts we will be using this year. Next send me an email to Mr. Raymond's Email stating that you have read the syllabus and shared it with your parents.
Quiz August 25th & 26th: memorize the original 13 U.S. colonies and their future capitals and identify on a map. You will be given a blank map of the original 13 colonies which you will have to label the colony and capital. You can use this Quizlet to study.